Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Leaving Town

Last post from Miami folks. Tonight is officially my last night in Florida. I've quit my job, packed my car, cleaned my room, and sold my furniture to my roommate. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to try to turn in my C-pass (it gets me thru the toll gates to get over the bridge to work) for my $40 deposit back, and start heading north. Googlemaps says that it's a 16 hour drive from here to Spencer, WV. Excitement shall ensue.

The Plan
July 16-17th: Drive from Miami-->West Virginia
July 18th: Ride/Drive with parents from West Virginia-->Pennsylvania
July 20-26th: Camp with family in Canada
July 26-Aug.7th-ish: Visit people in the greater northeast area; family, friends, and enemies.
Aug.7th: Fly to Seattle or Los Angeles, depending on several factors
Aug. 8th: Visit people at aforementioned location.
Aug. 9th: Fly to Hawaii, move into new place, start looking for a job.
Aug. 11th: Start my full time, unpaid job. (Don't worry, they give me free lunch)

That is a tentative itinerary for those of you who care.


Surei said...

What exactly *is* your unpaid job?

Ricky said...

Godspeed, you crazy, crazy man!

Nekkid Ape said...

unpaid job entails cleaning laundry, cleaning dishes, sweeping, mopping, and occasionally getting in the water to interact with sea lions and dolphins.