Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Well, I've done it again. Not learning my lesson from the incident in Miami, I went and got another dog. This one is a border collie/blue heeler mutt who was picked up free from a run down trailer in Union County, Tennessee. On the other hand, I do live in a bigger house, with an actual yard, and a job that allows me to EARN money rather than slowing the rate at which I lose it. After nearly a day and a half of trying names on for size, he has been harnessed with the moniker "Puck". (He was nearly stuck with Othello, because he's black, but the desire to name him after a troublemaker in a comedy rather than the main character of a tragedy won out.) Here, for your viewing pleasure, is my friend Puck

String is fun.
Playing is hard work

In other news, the Knoxville News Sentinel (newspaper in Knoxville...go figure) ran a segment about our aquarium. To do this, they came and followed the late night aquarist around for 3 hours, making it nearly impossible to do any work and asking lots of questions. How do I know what they did? I was that aquarist. Here is the 5 minute video supplement that was also run with the print version.

That ought to satisfy my parents for my goings on for the past few days. Have a good weekend Mom and Dad, you'll probably have to watch that video at the library or school.

Monday, January 11, 2010

How I spent my New Year's Eve

In a fit of artistic...genius? genocide? Olivia and I drew pictures for the other to color. Here are the results. I'll leave you to guess which was drawn by whom.