Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kidney punched by a planet

Well, Saturdays are usually one of my easy days to get to work. The rest of the world is sleeping in while I am up and about at my usual time. I get to work, and get on with my day. Today, however, things did not go as planned. About 3 miles from work, I ran into traffic. And it didn't stop. I took over an hour to go 2 of the last 3 miles, and then took about 5 minutes to go the last mile because I parked my car at the beach parking lot, and got out and ran to work so I could get there before lunch.

After an eventful morning of scrubbing, I was getting out of one pool and preparing to sit on the ledge and rest for a moment, however, gravity had different plans for me: I missed my target by about 2 inches and fell flat on my back with my weight belt still around my waist. One of the 4lb lead weights was smacked into my left kidney, essentially making the planet Earth kidney punch me. It was hilarious at the time, and my scrubbing partner and I almost killed ourselves laughing, and then I tried to sit up, and realized how painful the rest of my day was going to be because I could no longer bend over to pick things up. WHOOPIE! Oh, and I had to go fill 15 air tanks about an hour later.

World 1, Justin 0
Have to do better tomorrow.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Founder's Day

It has been much on my mind that we don't have shirts for Founder's Day: 2008, and this would be a tragedy to rival the cancellation of The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. We must rally the troops and get a shirt design together, PRONTO. My contribution at the moment is the scary children from this picture. Boys for the guys, girls for the ladies.
Please disregard the creepy picture of R. Kelly in the background, he is irrelevant and this is the only picture of the Candyland Kids I could find. Please input ideas so that this does not become the plan.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Plane tickets have been purchased from Miami to New York and back. I will be arriving in Laguardia at 12:30pm on May 1st. That is all. See some of you soon.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Poked and Prodded

After recieving and seeing several comments about the amount of time it has been since I've said anything, I shall commence to do

My computer is currently down with logic board problems. It went to sleep and didn't wake up. I guess the combonation of sleeping pills and wine were just too much for it. It is being sent to Apple Corp, where hopefully they will replace it (the logic board) free of charge because of the lovely 1 year warrenty. I saw a delightfully tacky magic show this saturday with decidedly homosexual overtones (hey, it was on Miami Beach, what do you expect). Not only that, we got in for free because we were 40 minutes late, and they didn't take our tickets, so I may go back again next weekend just to catch the beginning of the show. Yesterday I biked to South Beach, read a book in the sand, and got turned a pretty shade that Mercutio would be jealous of. I guess I didn't realize how completely white I'd become over the winter (or what passes for it in Miami) and now I'm paying for my idiocy. In other news, preperations are being made to attend Founder's Day. I've found but not booked my flights yet, requested 5 days off (1 for flying up, 1 for visiting, 1 for Founder's Day, 1 for recovery from Founder's Day, and 1 for flying back here). Jeremy, if you want to drive from a New York airport, I'll help and pay for half the gas between Manhattan and Poughkeepsie. You'll have to arrange your own days off.

Until next time, remember everybody: WEAR SUNSCREEN!