Portuguese man o' wars SUCK! It's true. The little drifting bastards have all the intelligence of a fern and about the same amount of control over their own locomotion. Sadly, they have much better defenses than your average plant: they sting like a BITCH! If you've ever been stung by stinging nettle, it's similar in sensation, but about twice as intense. I was wading in the ocean the other day and one was washed against the back of my knee. After this less-than-enjoyable experience, I promptly exited the water via the nearest bit of sand, and with a bit of creative swearing, rubbed my leg with said sand. I also had one of them bounce down from my shoulder to my wrist to my foot, where it got stuck. Hurray. In other news, here is a picture of me and several of my roommates, at least the ones where were awake and mobile at the time I felt like taking a picture.