Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well, I've made it. I've been here for just over a week now, and things are going pretty damn well. Email me if you want any specific details. Work is going pretty well, but my feet are too big and they don't have any boots to fit me, so I'm not allowed to do fish prep until they get some size 13's. There are a few new facebook pictures for those of you who are part of that. Right now we're camping on the floor of Uncle Joe's (don't ask, he's a local hero and a nice guy) and we get to move into our beach house the 25th. "Beach House" is a bit of a mis-gnomer (GNOME SORCERY!) because to be fair, the place is a good 100 yards from the beach. Let me tell you, that's a really long way. There are mountains and an ocean, my two favorite terrain types. I need to try to hike up to the top of the mountains in our back yard, but they are extremely steep. Anyway, more to come when we move into the house.

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