Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Two Weeks

I just put in my two week resignation notice at work today. Why I'm quitting a job that I like that has a future and that pays me, I'm not sure, but I'm moving to Hawaii. Moving to work at a 5 month temporary job that may or may not hire me permanently when it's done. But hey, I get to work with sea lions.

p.s. Make any and all checks out to Justin Mertz. I'm going to need some money for this one.


Mooch said...

well as long as you aren't being an ass to the current place of employment, there is the chance of going back. plus, it's totally worth it to take a risk when you know it will give you a chance to do something that will make you very happy.

who knows, maybe if Hawaii doesn't work out you'd have a spot in a circus and fire arts troupe :D

Nekkid Ape said...

believe you me, the idea of coming home to a circus/fire troupe is one that I have considered, and will continue to consider. hope it works out.