Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yes, the word Kwhat has begun to see daily usage in my life. Technically it is spelled "quat" as in "quatricide", but who cares?

I realize this is the first post since I started my new job just over a week ago, so here it goes:

The aquarium is amazing. They have so many sand tiger sharks in their big lagoon, as well as about 50 sting rays (cow nosed, spotted eagle, and brown) in a "touch bay" there are pacu that weigh at least 50 lbs, there is a tank with 23 cuttlefish, which are really cool, two giant pacific octupi (the male is not thru quarentine yet, but they hope to breed them) that are about 3 feet across, numerous poison dart frogs, japanese giant spider crabs, sea dragons, ...the list goes on. In January we will begin building the new changing exhibit, this one will be "Deadly Weapons" which means we will be working with blue-ringed octopus (venomous, can kill a person in about 5 minutes), cone snail (venomous, they launch a harpoon-like tooth to catch and kill fish, potentially fatal to humans) as well as stinging jellyfish, venomous fish, electric eels, and other fun animals. It starts in February some time if you want to come see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

watch out for those cuttlefish; XKCD says they can be deadly.