Sunday, June 28, 2009

Break in

Somebody broke into my apartment this morning.

Now that I have your attention, turns out that culprit was none other than yours truly. I had to do my laundry after my 11 day vacation in New England, but I didn't have cash to run the machines. So, naturally, I decided to do some grocery shopping so that I'll have food and get some cash back. After returning from the grocery store, putting my newly acquired food into the refrigerator, locking the door, and closing it behind me, I realized that I'd left my keys on top of the refrigerator just as the click of the closing latch sounded. Swearing commenced. After a moment of quick thinking, I pried the screen off of the window to my bedroom and tried to lever the glass open. Turns out that I'd left my window locked. So had my roommate. And the window in the living room. As desperation began to set in, I decided to try a tactic that had stood by me many times in the past: a credit card. Fortunately the door to our apartment opens inward and I was able to jimmy the door open in about half a second flat, get my keys, go do laundry, go for a run, and get all of this done before noon. Hurray for productivity. Hurray for only semi-legal skills.

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