Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Birthdays and other such nonsense

Come tomorrow morn, I will be half way to 50 years old. A quarter century. Time to have my quarter-life crisis, and as if on cue, it appears. Despite the fact that I'm in Hawaii, and have said that I will remain here until mid-January, I've just been offered a paying (yes, you heard that right, PAYING) job. $19,000 for the first year, and a raise to $24,000 after the first year. Benefits and such, and I'd live in Tennesee and work next to a national park where I could camp and bike and fish and such.

What to do?

Also, I'm going to go play with a sea lion tomorrow morning.



Ricky said...

While I am probably one of the worst people to give suggestions regarding huge life choices, I would say go with whatever makes you the happiest and gets you the furthest down the road that you want to go. It all depends upon where you want to be after the next 25 years - figure that out and do all you can to get there, even if it means making choices now that may seem strange. However, if you can swing it in a manner that lets you do NOW what you want to be doing and as well, then you've done something right.

That being said, happy birthday!

Unknown said...

I second Ricky's advice. And the birthday goodness! If only we could build a giant birthday-robot again, as in days of yore.