Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The depilatory process.

What makes us human? What separates us from animals? It's gotta be more than the fact that they have fur; after all, several of my friends could probably be legally hunted for their pelts. I have worked with highly intelligent animals, and I've seen things that seem frighteningly human in some ways, and I've seen people behave with remorselessness that would put a hyena to shame. Perhaps all that separates US from THEM is that every human, humble or arrogant, wants to leave some mark, some thing behind for everyone to see. Maybe this is just my way of leaving my mark. A binary equivalent of a dog pissing on a fire hydrant. Anyway, there was a trend of blogs going around like a bad case of mono in a Vassar dorm, so I though I'd make out with the captain of the lacrosse team and get my own infection. Enjoy it as long as it lasts.

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