Thursday, February 14, 2008


Different viewpoints and interpretations: what a blessing it is to have them. An interpretation is perhaps the most wonderful thing that two humans can chose to share, however, they can get you in a whole world of trouble.

I'm certainly guilty of writing things specifically intended to be viewed different ways by different people and thereby spark debate; after all, debate, not love, is what makes the world go 'round. Well, debate and a mix of the gravitational forces exerted by the sun and various other solar bodies, but they're not important in this conversation.

However, say something is written to entertain and inform a small group of people, it is unfortunate when something is misconstrued (even if, in retrospect, it's very understandable that it was), especially when it's seen as a viewpoint diametrically opposed to the one that was supposed to be presented. It makes me regret that text is such a limited medium in some ways. Sarcasm and facetious intent are so hard to display and so easy to misinterpret.

That being said, if anyone stumbles across this blog who doesn't know me personally, please bear in mind that very little of what I say is intended to be taken seriously. If you were to take a grain of salt with everything that I say facetiously or for every exaggeration I make, you'd probably die of sodium poisoning before reaching the end of an afternoon with me. I like my job, and I feel that the people I work for are doing a good thing by entertaining and educating people about marine animals. The best time to teach someone something is when they aren't even aware that they are learning. When you've got them laughing or smiling, that's the time to slip knowledge into their brains, and that's what I love about my job: edutainment (that's education and entertainment, in case you weren't paying attention). They also do a wonderful job of rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing manatees, and I'm proud to be a member of the group of people who are trained to do this. It's a really good feeling to know that you're helping save an endangered animal.

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