Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wanted: plumber, belt a MUST.

A large portion of my day was spent re-routing the water systems for several of our 500 gallon fish tanks. We are slowly replacing our old chiller system with a newer, more compact, (hopefully) more reliable one, and to do this, we need to remove the old 80lb monstrosities, and cut about 10 feet of PVC piping and angle it around a few obstacles (pronounced "ob-stack-uls). Sooo, cue Justin. I enjoy the days where I get to do new and strange things, like figure out the best configuration of pipe angles to create a good current in an artificial pond or build new plumbing for the aquariums. The only down side is that while I'm doing this stuff, I don't have time to work on my shows, so I feel like I'm falling a little behind on some of the public performance aspect of my job. (Although, it was cold today, so I didn't really miss getting into the water on this specific day) To make up for this, I ended up putting a quarter INTO a full, sealed soda can today at lunch. Somehow it came up that I'd spend some time street performing on South Beach, and the people I work with were surprised, and immediately demanded to see something. Not having cards, I whipped out a soda can, borrowed a quarter, and proceeded to astound people. It was good fun. The girl who was the most skeptical at the beginning was the most amazed at the end, which I find to be a fairly usual progression. It's really quite amusing. It made me want to get back into street performing, but there's not really anywhere good to do it around here unless I go down to the bar district about 5 miles away and perform there at night. That could have some potential, but the place is so crowded that it would be hard to spin fire there, and I bet the police would be on me like...well, like overzealous police officers on an unlicensed fire spinner in the middle of Coconut Grove.

I just had a run in with Spanish speaking Jehovah's Witnesses. They knocked on my door, I answered, they said "Buenas tarde" to which I responded "Good evening" and noticed the literature in their hands. They said "Hables espanol?". I thought quickly, and in a flash of inspiration, put on my best gringo accent and went "OON POKE-OH". They handed me a pamphlet in english, and invited me to come read the bible in the street with them, and then left me alone. It was BRILLIANT.

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